How sure are you that this is true?

1/01/2007 05:34 am

Reading other people's personal blogs is one thing I immensely enjoy doing. It allows me to take a peek at their inner world. It also fires my amazement at how people can craft words together in so many ways to bring forth those emotions and thoughts. And so I sought blogs written by both friends (to better understand them) and those of strangers, to better appreciate the world through their eyes. In no way did I think that this singular joy of reading blogs would lead me to a most surprising turn. Accidentally, I found a "foe's" blog.

There, she poured all out her anger at me. This, I did not resent as these were normal reactions of the rejected. But what pulled the rug from under my feet were the lies she wrote down to justify her feelings about me. Outright lies and fabrications!!! Like my "raising my hand at her" (Whew! Everyone who knows me will, without hesitation, say I am not capable of such an act. Or could I be suffering from DID that I can't remember the incident?). Or my "making epal" to the parish priest whom she describes as "flirting" with her (Another delusion, I guess!). Or ... (so many more lies)

Why she would fabricate facts, I couldn't understand. Or in her clouded mind, has she come to believe that these incidents actually happened? Especially if she has found support in significant people who have readily and unwittingly swallowed her stories? Just as people who chance upon her blog would take as gospel truth the words ensconced there?

I had assumed that because there are no embellishments on the truth in my blogs, and my musings are unadulterated, everyone would be doing the same thing. But what a foolish thought that was, I concluded after reading all the lies this person had written about me and my family.

And so I ask myself, how much of what I read in blogs are fiction? How much should my naive self believe such that I end up inspired or repulsed or confused after browsing? How sure are you even that what I just wrote here is true?


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