Circles on the map

Saturday, July 08, 2006  1:08 am

This is the place where you are right now
God circled on a map for you

- Hafiz

Where is the place I am right now? Am I happy where I am? Questions that will have different answers depending on when they are asked. My boss asked me one day through text if I were happy with my life. I said, "Oo naman!" but had an urge to add "but it could be happier". But this is what I said - "I have learned that my life's blessings far outnumber the tears I have shed." Was that the politically (spiritually, would be more like it) correct thing to say? Did I really believe that? On another day, I could have said it with conviction. But what was it about that day that made me hesitate?

I guess God draws many circles on the map. He gives you a choice and the one which you choose is one that should make you happy. Now, if only making the choice weren't so hard!


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