Why I would fail Criticism 101
12/14/2006 03:12 pm
It has always been difficult for me to grade subjective-type exams. I end up giving high grades, subtracting points only because it would make me look I rated the thing intelligently. But don't get me wrong, I do put my heart and mind into these things. But it probably takes me double the effort to see what is "wrong" with the answers. I somehow just manage to see what is right first!
Same thing for my perception of people's characters. Unless a person is so blatantly off, I manage not to see what is the matter with someone. Is it because I don't pay attention to the idiosyncrasies of people when interacting with them? Oh, but I do! I can smell "different" a mile away. But then looking at shortcomings and weaknesses are placed rather low in my how-to-like-people list .
It takes other people to point out these bumps and rough edges. Sometimes they seem trivial. Sometimes they are mind-altering, at least to me.
Do I see everything sugar-coated? Or would I rather just not know? Does it make me naive and vulnerable so that I become a candidate to being taken advantage of by everyone? But I would like to think that I am perceptive and have had built-in alarm bells going off whenever I sense real danger. It is not beyond me to severely criticize those whom I believe have erred. But I would prefer to look at a person's good side and postpone any judgment to when the need is only clearly there.
I don't like to have to look at people through mud-streaked lens. Do I prefer the lenses pink then? No, I like them clear, thank you!
It has always been difficult for me to grade subjective-type exams. I end up giving high grades, subtracting points only because it would make me look I rated the thing intelligently. But don't get me wrong, I do put my heart and mind into these things. But it probably takes me double the effort to see what is "wrong" with the answers. I somehow just manage to see what is right first!
Same thing for my perception of people's characters. Unless a person is so blatantly off, I manage not to see what is the matter with someone. Is it because I don't pay attention to the idiosyncrasies of people when interacting with them? Oh, but I do! I can smell "different" a mile away. But then looking at shortcomings and weaknesses are placed rather low in my how-to-like-people list .
It takes other people to point out these bumps and rough edges. Sometimes they seem trivial. Sometimes they are mind-altering, at least to me.
Do I see everything sugar-coated? Or would I rather just not know? Does it make me naive and vulnerable so that I become a candidate to being taken advantage of by everyone? But I would like to think that I am perceptive and have had built-in alarm bells going off whenever I sense real danger. It is not beyond me to severely criticize those whom I believe have erred. But I would prefer to look at a person's good side and postpone any judgment to when the need is only clearly there.
I don't like to have to look at people through mud-streaked lens. Do I prefer the lenses pink then? No, I like them clear, thank you!
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