Soap for the Soul

01/03/2008 02:01 pm

A friend gave me a bar of soap which she said might help lighten the big, dark scar on my left leg. But it took me some time before I actually used it. It was more out of not wanting to disappoint her that I tried it rather than a desire to recoup on the promise of fairer skin.

While unblemished skin is regarded by most people as an asset, my not having such is not too bad. I have learned to look at my unsightly scar as a reminder of the kind of person I am. Like a battle scar, it speaks of what I am capable of doing in the presence of danger. My unconcern for disguising it also shows my distaste for pretensions and excessive vanity.

But when thoughts turn to emotional scars, sometimes I wish someone would concoct a double-acting soap with properties to lighten, if not get rid of, the hurts. I wish that with daily use, the "kirot" would subside and in its place a resolve to forget the reasons behind the pain. The scrubbing and the rinsing should at least make faint the anger and the resentments until they are no more.

Is the placenta soap working on lightening the scar on my leg? It's too soon to tell! But I will be marketing soon a soap for the soul. Its active ingredient is "Forgiveness" and I can vouch for its effectiveness. Since I decided to use it, the wound in my soul has started healing.The dark scar, slowly fading. Oh so slowly, but getting there!


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