Friendship is like a molar tooth

04/27/2009 02:38 am

The molars are most often subjected to the hardest toil and that is probably the reason why these are the teeth that usually need repair and attention. When they become diseased, dental procedures like root canals manage to save them from the good, old-fashioned extraction. But there are circumstances, like what happened to my tooth, that makes one decide that the more practical option is to let the tooth go.

Last April 17, I went through a most difficult dental procedure which lasted more than 3 hours. Surviving that trauma to my mouth, I had to deal later with the bleeding, inflammation, and eventually the pain when the pain blocker wore off. The ice packs, mefenamic acid, and saline solution would help for a few days but 10 days later, the pain is still there.

Two days ago, while mulling over the dull ache in my mouth and the inconvenience it was causing me, a most unflattering comparison came to mind. I likened my extracted molar to a friendship gone astray.

Misunderstandings and uneven expectations chip away at relationships until there is no recourse but to end them. But because the person has been a fixture in your life, the uprooting is not an easy task. The absence of the person in that space where daily sharing of each other's lives were spent equals an ache which lasts for a little while. This, while the healing of the wound takes place. Finally, when the pain is but a memory, the gap is ready to be filled up with either new friends or old friends who emerge after an unexplained absence.

Yes, there is life after a failed friendship!


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