Good girls finish first, Ugly ducklings have more fun!

27 October 2005                                                                                 

(Inspired by my dear friend, Chei)

A rationalization in the first degree! For what I hope will be my reward for not putting physical attractiveness in the top of my list on how to have a meaningful life.

But let's face it. Those who have external cutaneous superiority reap all the advantages in this world. Psychological studies attest to this. And I would be a traitor to my profession if I didn't agree with this assertion. Empirical data shows that they get higher grades. They get better jobs. They get higher pay. They can bully us and get away with it. They have someone else always do the dirty jobs for them. Etc, etc, etc!!!!!!!!!

Until all the tinsel lose their sparkle! Until the foundation can no longer hide the spots and the hairpieces, what is no longer there. Until the fat cells take over their worlds. Until people who were bitched upon learn to bitch back.

But those of us who chose to build our self-esteem on our talents and earned our friendships by being nice-nice (as Al put it), will always have what we rightfully deserve. Our glow will come from pride at what we have accomplished with hard work. Even when we're doddering at 80, there will always be someone to hold our hand. We will ignore the wrinkles at the corners of our mouth because it will be the smiles and laughter that caused them that we will remember.


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