Down with the Flu!

Yes, I'm sick! I'm not too sure if it's the flu because I'm not showing all the symptoms. Well, not all at once anyway. Here's a rundown of the unfolding of the ailment: 

          First, started getting woozy Sunday evening. This, I attributed to a high cholesterol lunch of batchoy. 

           By Monday, woozy had progressed to dizzy - a mild attack of vertigo which prevented me from going to work.

          Tuesday, my nose started to drip more than usual. Nothing that a boxful of tissue couldn't handle. Or so I thought!

          On Wednesday, I had to force myself to go to work even if I was sneezing violently all over the place.

          Thursday,  there was very little energy left to give a lecture in class as I had also started coughing. With feelings!

          Friday was spent in bed trying to fight off the virus or bacteria or whatever name the enemy goes by. 

           By Saturday morning, my nose and upper lip area were encrusted with dry, rough skin from all the nose-blowing I had been doing. When the skin started peeling off later in the day, I thought I was on the road to recovery. I was feeling sort of okay until while taking a nap, I started  getting chills. Woke up feverish and surrendered my resolve not to take  paracetamol.

         Today,  I missed my Sunday mass assignment because I woke up with a bad headache. Not the best combination with a still runny nose and cough! Hay!

It's taken me a week to accept that I am indeed sick with the flu! Mothers have a way of thinking they're invulnerable but I guess that's pretty difficult in a household with people spewing out the dreaded germs in every corner! Yes, it's an excuse to stay in bed the whole day but it doesn't seem like resting to me when I have to wipe my nose every few minutes and then feeling bleah during my waking hours!

But I hope to will this ailment away. It has overstayed its welcome! In my mind, I can see it being bamboozled by copious amounts of water, tea, fruit juice, Vitamin C, and saline solution. Then I imagine it disappearing into nothingness as my antibodies cheerfully jump up and down while chanting "Down with the flu, down with the flu!"


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