All Wrong

It was all wrong Even from the start You were so different From my dream of who Would steal my heart A strong, deep voice Who would sing for me Reassuring arms that would Ward off threats to my fragility A quiet, comforting presence Constantly by my side Yet smart-ass, wise-cracking, Crazy sexy, at my secret bidding But I got it all wrong, all these you were not! I misread your aura, I misheard your songs Maybe because you came into my life When tears were blurring my vision And my ears could not catch the decibels of lies I was never right for you as well With someone else’s knots I could not untangle During your sparse hours of need, I could only linger Struggling to bear the weight of our vowed forevers Digging deep into the fading years Uncovering wounds that refuse healing Tightly-wound memories unravel Questions haunt me yet again How could truly loving each other then Ever be judged by the world as wrong?