Memento mori: On turning 55

Performance artist near the Sacre Couer Basilica in Paris For my SJC Classmates... Memento mori is a Latin phrase translated as "Remember your mortality", "Remember you must die" or "Remember you will die" It names a genre of artistic work which varies widely, but which all share the same purpose: to remind people of their own mortality. As far as I'm concerned, the work of art that constantly reminds me of my mortality is the face and body I see in the full-length mirror daily. When I peer into my likeness, there is no doubt that I'm inching my way slowly into mortality. But there was a better way of convincing me that this was true. Since the last few weeks after my birthday in September, I have been busy with my annual physical examination. The results have been trickling in, one by one, and my feelings remind me of my Little Girl Self anxiously waiting to open my gifts on Christmas eve. When I did get to read all of th...