A Letter to My Students
Dear Psych 124 and Psych 145 students, I’m sure you have heard about the BOR approval of the recommendations of the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC). Pending the issuance of the Implementing Procedures and Guidelines, the Psych department faculty will meet on April 22 to come up with measures that will take into utmost consideration the situation and sentiments of students! Rest assured that your Psych teachers remain to be conscious of your needs during this period! These last few weeks has been difficult for me as well. Being a teacher is not the only role I have to play in this crisis situation. Every single day, I have to make a decision as to which role takes precedence over the others. Please pardon me if in the past few weeks, being a wife, mother, and household manager have been my priority. Sometimes, even the seemingly simple task of making sure of having food on our table takes most of my attention. I have also lost time and energy mourning the deaths of people I...