A Tribute to Mrs. B, National Artist

In 1973, I graduated from high school and a few months later, entered UP Diliman as a college freshman. A mixture of exhiliration and a sense of foreboding (Martial Law baby here) accompanied my first few weeks there. My teachers were brilliant and many of my classmates were not so far behind! On some days, I felt proud of myself for just being there but on most days (especially during Math 11), I wondered whether I would even survive the semester! But there was one place where I felt safe! It was in my English 1 class and our teacher was Prof. Amelia Lapena-Bonifacio. She not only taught us the rudiments of writing in English but regaled us with stories of her life! Mrs. B radiated an aura of kindness, gentleness, and patience and thus, the hours I spent in her clasroom were not filled with my academic insecurities! One day, she asked me and another classmate to stay after class. Intensely curious about the reason for this, I nervously did that. She asked us what we w...