My Hands are Full

One hand, a handbag with 2 mobile phones. The other hand, folders with papers to check. One shoulder. tote bag with laptop inside and more personal papers to attend to. Right hand, insulated coffee mug. Left brain, reports that need to be written. Right brain, emotions that just have to be put on hold. Most days, this is how you will see me as I get into my ride and later, walk the short distance to my office after I disembark. That picture of me is a clue on what I hope to do when I get to my place of work but most of the time, they remain as unfulfilled figments of my imagination. I seem to always forget that there are tons of other tasks that await my attention as soon as I get to sit at my desk. I like to think of myself as a successful multi-tasker, being able to muster the energy and resolve to accomplish all that is expected of me as a mother, wife, sibling, friend, teacher, administrator, colleague, church volunteer, etc. But lately, I know that many spheres o...