My Inner Diva
Thanks to Maridol for the picture "This is diva therapy, it’s when you need grand gestures of fabulousness added with a high level of art doused with a bit of gossip and giggles to keep one’s mood buoyant." I almost didn't buy this pair of slip-ons. While they appealed to my aesthetic sense, I wasn't sure if the excessive display of color and the intricate bead work belonged to something that would just shod my feet. But the "bongga" in me could not be contained. It was just struggling to get out! I've always had trouble deciding between that which is subtle and understated and something that would be considered bright and flamboyant. Much as I believe in "less is more," I am also in awe of intricate and small details in designs. Whether these choices concern my wardrobe or home decor, I'm usually stumped when there are two equally active alternatives. Recently, w...