When I was 11

I did these 2 oil paintings when I was about 11 years old! Pretty amazing, my adult self would think right now! But way back then, I wasn’t impressed with my work because I thought I couldn’t faithfully reproduce the scenes I based my work on! Even from the perspective of a child, I thought they were childish! They were not realistic enough and I felt it wasn’t all my work! My painting teacher had put in finishing touches to make it more alive! So I thought I didn’t deserve the accolades I would get before! 

After the summer group lessons ended, I think I stopped painting also. However, my teacher asked Mama if he could get me to model for a painting. I was excited about it but I don’t know exactly why this never materialized. Whatever the reason was might also be the reason why I gave up doing art. I never really realized that it was a loss for me since I could have been the subject of a painting done by Mr. Jaime de Guzman, a now a renowned artist whose works are housed in the Cultural Center of the Philippines! 

So now I just content myself with taking off from where I stopped painting when I was a child! When I look at the works I’ve done since last year,  I laugh out loud because there’s not much difference from what I last produced when I was 11! I hope things will improve as I intend to never stop again!



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