The ants and roaches made me (not) do it!

It’s Day 3 of my writing break and I have not gone beyond 1 page of what I said I would complete! So, instead of using my daily ration of working brain cells to continue writing my paper, I’m using them up now to find reasonable excuses!

Reason #1: Arrived on the afternoon of Day 1with my work space in a mess! Can’t believe I left it in that state when I was here last (not working as it was during the holidays!). Also, my Christmas decorations are still up and it’s Feb. 2! So, I’ll have to put things away and get the room in order so it will be conducive to learning. So I spent pretty much of what was left of Day 1 and most of Day 2 doing that!

Reason #2: I think the forces of nature are out to get me! While my workspace was a mess, my kitchen and bathroom were left in immaculately clean (well, Marie Kondo and Martha Stewart might not agree) conditions. So it was a shock when I moved my induction stove to clean the counter, an army of baby critters tried to escape from a small crevice in that corner hidden by the stove! Notwithstanding my repulsion at the sight, I managed to get rid of everything that would dare appear before my eyes! I instinctively sprayed a Thieves essential oil solution in the direction of the enemy and crushed them if they put up further struggles!  Exhausting fight but I emerged the Victor until... I was retiring for the night and opened my bathroom drawer. Out escaped a couple more of those little monsters! Ew! The kitchen, I could accept because I could have missed a crumb or two when I cleaned it before the new year but the bathroom had no traces of food and was, as I said left in an admirably clean (again, I exaggerate) state!

 I believe that my cleaning skills and standards have not slackened since we have started using this space. And it was the first time this has happened in four (4) years! Who’s to blame? Still have not settled the issue with the condo maintenance people here!

Reason #3: I think Murphy’s law is at work here! While trying to prepare breakfast, I elbowed a pitcher of water on the kitchen counter and all its contents waterfalled to the floor below creating an enormous puddle. So I spent the hour allotted for breakfast mopping up and drying the floor trying not to use my paper towels (old newspapers and brown paper bags will do the job).

Then after a shower,  I resolved to continue what I had started writing last night!  I even diffused my essential oil blend for Focus to get me going! It it was not to be again! In the bedroom, I saw a trail of ants marching across the floor towards the kitchen! This time, I came prepared with my spray that was recommended by Pinterest to fight off roaches and ants! I don’t know whether the peppermint oil killed them or they just drowned in the solution! But what is important is that as I write this, I can say that this army has been defeated!

Reason #4: After blaming the roaches and the ants for keeping me from my work, I think I may have an explanation. I diagnosed myself as probably afflicted with Adult ADHD! I have spent almost 2 days going around in circles and picking up stuff to do that I feel like doing but not necessarily have to do! I lose interest and energy after only investing a few minutes in each task! And I like to do them in between checking FB and playing my games! But that might be another story!

Reason #5: I am in DENIAL that it is way past the submission date that I set for myself for this paper! I am in DENIAL that if I don’t complete this while I’m here, I am jeopardizing my future as an academic! I am in DENIAL that I am in a state of panic because I don’t seem to know how to find time for the numerous commitments that I have to meet on top of my school work!

And so I say, it is all of the above! What to do? I have become weary after all this reflection and writing! And the nippy weather and the quiet is just so perfect for a nap. I’m sure that it will help me recover the energy and enthusiasm vital to accomplishing my writing objectives. (And that, my family and friends would be Reason #6! Hehe!)


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