We'll get there

Badjao Restaurant, Palawan

FMM convent, Tagaytay
     Anything worth having has to be pursued through many roads, many of them bumpy. A few of them may provide interesting sights along the way. Sometimes, one thinks, the journey is just as, if not more important, than the destination. A good friend of mine said, "Victory is in the struggle and not in reaching the goal. Failure is when I don't struggle anymore."  Wise words coming from someone in a very difficult journey of fighting for his life.

Moon Garden, Tagaytay
     Many times, we trudge along wearily, not realizing all that we gain by our tenacity. We move forward, little by little, each step a little cause for celebration. Each accomplishment strengthens our spirit, increases our resolve to reach our goal.

     The end is not always in sight. Sometimes, we think it is impossible to reach it. At times, it seems not worth all the effort we put into achieving it.  But that tiny light at the very end holds promise that it is there. Always there, waiting for us!

 Kara and I have been in Tagaytay the last 4 days, holed up in a convent, abandoning the distractions which have prevented us from reaching our goals sooner. Both of us are attempting to read and write things of consequence. Out there lies my future in the University. Out there lies Kara's reward for walking bravely through a path strewn with soul-searching and spirit-breaking challenges.  In a few weeks, we will know whether the last leg of our journey has been spent well.

SVD Retreat House

         This time, I'll take pictures from the end... from the top ... from where we hope to be real soon!


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